Causes of vocal cord inflammation

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Vocal cord inflammation is a condition that can have a number of causes. Both serious and minor, and each cause can have different effects on the duration of symptoms. Some possible causes that may lead to vocal cord inflammation include:

1. Excessive use of voice

Shouting too loudly or using your voice too much can cause vocal cord tears and subsequent inflammation.

2. Infection

Sometimes vocal cord inflammation can be caused by an infection, such as: 

  • Certain viral respiratory infections, such as those that cause the common cold. 
  • Certain bacterial infections, such as those that cause bronchitis ,  are relatively uncommon. However, these are relatively rare causes.

In addition, during the flu, many patients often have hoarseness , which requires the patient to speak louder and cough  , as well as clearing their throat to feel relieved. ufabet Both symptoms and behaviors in this manner increase the risk of vocal cord inflammation or make it more severe.

3. Irritants

Long-term exposure to certain chemicals, dust, smoke, or allergens may cause inflammation of the larynx or vocal cords in the future.

4. Acid reflux

Acid reflux  is a condition that occurs when the esophageal sphincter, which is responsible for controlling stomach acid from flowing back up into the esophagus, does not function properly. This causes stomach acid to flow back up. In some people, the acid that flows back up may travel to the throat and cause inflammation of the vocal cords.

5. Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a condition that occurs when the sinuses or air passages in the face become inflamed and swollen from an infection, which can be a virus, bacteria, fungus, or in some cases, an allergen. If the patient does not receive chronic treatment, the patient may be at risk of chronic accumulation of thick mucus that flows down the throat. In the long run, it may irritate the voice box, including causing a sore throat and hoarseness.

6. Smoking

Smoking can cause the vocal cords to swell, become inflamed ,  and thicken.

7. Alcoholic beverages

Heavy drinking of alcohol over a long period of time is another cause that may cause the larynx and vocal cords to swell, become inflamed, and thicken, similar to smoking.

8. Getting injured

Injuries to the chest or neck, which can be caused by accidents or surgery to treat certain medical conditions, can result in vocal paralysis, which can lead to vocal cord inflammation.

9. Cancer

Cancer is a disease caused by certain types of cells starting to grow and divide abnormally. In cases where a patient has cancer in the larynx or lower throat, the patient may be at risk of developing vocal cord inflammation.

In addition, vocal cord inflammation can also be caused by the vocal cords deforming with age. As we age, the vocal cords can deform, which can lead to vocal cord inflammation.